Blocked Drains? Clear the mightiest drain clogs with Drain Clog Digestor
Unblock clogged hair in your shower drain, break up food stuck in your kitchen sink, or even get rid of that disgusting stench in a porta potty or caravan toilet.

A revolutionary probiotic based formulation for effective maintenance, reduction and sanitation of bad bacteria in drains and on surfaces

Versatile Usage
Odour Elimination
Pest Reduction
Continuous Protection
Bioactive Formula

Drain Clog Digestor™ quickly dissolves hair, scum, and organic blockages, ensuring clean drains and odour control. Safe for pipes and septic systems.

Pour one chamber slowly into drain and allow to sit in drain for at least 30 minutes. For toilets pour both chambers.
Let stand for at least 20 minutes and then flush with the hottest water possible. For toilets, let sit for at least 2 hours or overnight and flush once water level returns to normal.
Fast Formula
Eats through Sludge
Australian Made
Fragrance Free
Professional Performance

Maintaining a healthy septic system involves regular care. SEPTIC GUARD pods are designed for convenient system maintenance
SEPTIC GUARD provides a year’s worth of maintenance treatments. Simply drop a pod directly into the toilet bowl per month as a care routine.

Eco Safe
Controlled Usage
Safe for the Planet
Odour Neutralisation
Drain Pro Septic Guard
DrainPro Septic Guard Product InformationDrain Pro Septic Guard provides 12 month’s hassle-free maintenance for your septic. Australian made and owned, Septic Guard will help to break down organic fats, grease, oils and build up to provide a balanced septic helping to reduce backups and odours.
$34.50 inc GSTQTY: